Monday, January 28, 2008

EMERSON Elementary (Proposed Closure) News Update January 28, 2008

The budget for the Miami school board is $6 Billion dollars a year, they have approximately 364,000 students. They also have approximately 50,000 employees to teach and manage the 364,000 students. Of those 50,000 employees, less then 50% are teachers (approximately 24,000 teachers). The repurposing draft is supposed to save 2.4 million over the next four years. Using these numbers, here are some stats:

A budget that averages a staggering $16,500 per student!

One employee for every seven kids!

One teacher for every 15 kids!

2.4 million is .04% (less then "1/2" percent") of the yearly school budget! To put this in perspective, if you are making $50,000 a year and I asked you to give me .04% of your salary. You will give me $20.

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