Here is Ana Romero (who has been one Emerson's biggest defenders) explaining the February 7 workshop better then I ever could:........
With respect to the February 7th workshop which is in fact open to the public, remember that there will be many School Board and Miami Dade County Public School Employees scheduled to attend. The workshop begins at 9 a.m. but since the conference room may be over-crowded, they might use that as an excuse to not allow more parents and concerned parties in.It is suggested that as many parents who can car-pool do so, since the rooms may already be filled to capacity by the time the buses arive. Also, have the drivers drop everyone off at the front and then look for parking to assure that most of you get in as soon as possible. If we are not allowed inside due to there not being enough room, please come anyway. Wear your t-shirts (no signs). The more representation that the media can report, the greater impact our presence will provide.As an alternative plan, select a few individuals to represent the community. If they won't let everyone in, at least we'll be better informed by those that attend on our behalf.Those who arrive at 8:30 will have a better chance to secure a seat. But whether you arrive on time or not PLEASE BE THERE !
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